Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sarah Palin Slips on North Korea, Calls Them Allies

Sarah Palin, in a recent radio interview, suggested we should "stand with our North Korean allies." To most people this may not be a huge deal and it's not really a deal killer in itself, but the problem is that it's a pattern that cannot be ignored. I think that if this was only the 2nd time she's slipped up on foreign policy concerns, it might not be a big deal at all.

The problem is that Sarah Palin repeatedly makes mistakes and "slips of the tongue" in the foreign policy arena. In my opinion, these foreign policy slip-ups do ad up to an elephant in the room when it comes to her being president and since foreign policy is the area where the president has the most at stake, voters should seriously take these mistakes and slip-ups into consideration before they cast a vote for Sarah Palin.

Of course we all know that if Sarah Palin were to get elected in 2012, she would have an grand group of advisors and policy hawks that would help her tune her message. But that's not till after the election. Until then she has to run on her own merit, and a slip of the tongue saying that North Korea are U.S. allies certainly calls Sarah Palin's foreign policy credentials into question.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Should Sarah Palin Run for President?

Should Sarah Palin run for president? Personally, I think she shouldn't. Now you may say that if she wants to run for president she should. But Sarah Palin is like several of the women that she endorsed, including Sharon Angle and Christine O'donnell. She may be a great person, and she's supported by the Tea Party movement, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she'll win. Sarah is a polarizing figure. You either love her or you hate her. I'm probably one of the few that doesn't really like her but can tolerate her.

If Sarah Palin were to run and win the GOP nomination, would I vote for her?

You betcha!

But that is not the point, just because I would vote for her, there would be a ton of people that wouldn't vote. Could she win against Barack Obama? That really depends. She thinks she can, and if the economy is really bad and she does motivate the "female vote," then she of course does have a good chance of winning. However, I really think there are some seriously better options for president than Sarah Palin in 2012. Of course from the title of this blog, you probably know who I'm talking about anyway.

What are your thoughts? I'd be interested in knowing.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mark Levin Suggests Federal Spending Amendment, Huckabee Should Embrace This

Last night I heard Mark Levin talking about government spending and how they're going to have to raise taxes in order to get their fiscal house in order. Then he suggested that there be an amendment to the constitution to cap government spending. I think this is a great idea. His suggestion is that government spending be capped at 17% of the GDP. I personally think that the government should be capped at 9.5% of the GDP as that should be plenty to run the federal government. Of course, if 17% is all we can get than that is fine too.

I hope that Gov. Huckabee will take an idea like this and make it a major position in his platform to run for president. He does sometimes seem to be a little egotistical and his idea of implementing the fairtax was certainly a novel idea and I admire him for being willing to "think different" from the run of the mill politicians, but he also needs to be really clear that he will get this crazy, out of control government roped in.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Will Mike Huckabee Run for President 2012?

In a recent interview with Alan Colmes, Alan asks Mike Huckabee if he's going to be running for president in 2012. Huckabee is very political in his answer and definitely doesn't rule it out. He also seems to be saying that he'll only run if he feels that he's got a decent chance at clinching the nomination for president in 2012.

Do you think Mike Huckabee will run for president in 2012? I think it's highly likely that he will. I would say that the chances of him running are about 95%.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Huckabee 2012: Ready, Set Go!

I think that the likelihood of a President Huckabee in 2012 has now risen a ton. In fact, if Huckabee was a stock, and you could buy it, I would say "buy, buy, buy." The reasons are simple but the simple reason is really this, there was a red Republican wave that swept into Congress on Tuesday and that wave will almost definitely sweep the Senate and the Whitehouse in 2012. There is a growing sentiment in the country that Washington needs serious change. And while most of the 2008 GOP candidates spouted out mostly similar ideas for how that change should take place, Huckabee was one of the only ones that actually took a bold stand for change.

Huckabee was the only Candidate that advocated for the Fairtax, which is a forward thinking tax that stops taxing productivity. It is supposed to be revenue neutral, which could be debatable, but it could definitely be adjusted to a point where it would help address major problems such as the deficit and high unemployment.

Probably one of the biggest obstacles Huckabee will face will be the Tea Party and Sarah Palin who have been a rising and driving force in the Republican party. He has a strong support among some of these people as well, but the question will definitely be whether or not his support is strong enough to propel him to an Iowa victory and beyond.

I think that Huckabee has a really good chance at 2012 and the next few months will give us a better idea of whether he intends to run or not.