Saturday, July 31, 2010

Huckabee Report: Quotable Huckabee Quotes

Mike Huckabee's been doing his Radio program, the Huckabee Report, for a while now (he started it not too long after he started the Huckabee show on Fox News). While browsing online and doing a little research I came across these quotes from the TV show that I thought would be worth sharing:

A Rasmussen poll finds that "Congress member" has sunk four places below "lawyer" and is now the least favorably regarded profession. And if you're a Congress member who's also a lawyer, well…I don't think the chart goes that low.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that Obamacare will be Congress' "Christmas present to the American people." Usually, Christmas is when you spend too much of your own money on something for your grandchildren, not the other way around.

Tom Delay did better than expected on "Dancing With The Stars," but he quit the show because of stress fractures in both feet. That's one thing politics does teach you: when to leave before you get voted out.

Read the story here.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Vote Pro Life! Respect the Sanctity of Life!

Of course I'm not a one-issue voter, but when it comes down to choosing a candidate to vote for, I say to vote for the pro-life candidate. For instance, if you have the choice between two relatively good candidates who are both conservative on most issues,a good way to make your final choice is to look at the voting records of the two candidates and see who seems to favor the pro-life position in their voting. For instance, when the vote came down between Mitt Romney and John McCain, it was easy to see who had the stronger pro-life position though they may have not been the most conservative on some of the other issues. The pro-life issue is one that will ultimately show what a politician is made of since there is huge amounts of pressure on both sides of the issue and a conservative with real, solid convictions will come down on the side of life every time.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Year Two of Obama, Still No Jobs... Even in the Web Design field

Seems like the Obama stimulus is really working well (sarcasm). There's still not very many jobs even in some of the growing technical fields out there like web design and graphic design. The following article from shows how there really are very few jobs available in the market today.

After losing her graphic design job, she went back to school to get retrained as a Web designer.

Nine months later, she’s still looking for work.

“It’s very hard out there to find a job. There’s nothing there,” said Tolliver, 34, of Austell. “I keep applying and, hopefully, something will come through. Maybe people will start hiring.”

With unemployment still high — metro Atlanta’s rate shot up last week to 10.3 percent — questions abound as to whether worker retraining really works.

While Washington has pumped $10 billion in grants into retraining programs nationwide the last two years, critics say much more is needed to deal with the unprecedented surge in the long-term unemployed. Georgia’s public technical colleges, along with for-profit ones that have proliferated during the recession, report huge increases in enrollment, yet many struggle to prepare students for so-called “jobs of the future.”

Federal retraining dollars helped 19,050 Georgians go back to school in 2009. About 69 percent of those students got jobs within three months of graduation, according to the state Department of Labor.

As a web designer myself, I can assure you that this woman is not alone. Though Craigslist seems to be filled with jobs for web designers, it's not easy to get a job in this field, even though some are very well paid. Of course, the problem for a beginner often is breaking into a field that has stiff competition and in which clients can be extremely picky about what they want in a designer.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Still Like Mike, Been Busy Designing Websites

This year has been a busy year. I've not really had much time to update this blog or think about politics. For one thing changes in family life and everything that goes along with a growing family make it difficult to think about what's happening all the time in the country. Also the rise of the "tea party" has made the future of the GOP very questionable. Will we have a three party system before all this is said and done? To be honest, I don't think a two party system is the best answer to the protection of the constitution since the constitution of the United States of America, as to me I think it would result in the liberal party being constantly in Power. I think it's not unlikely that Mike Huckabee will run for president in 2012. If he runs, the recent polls certainly seem to make it look like he's got some pretty good things going for him. I wish him the best and of course may the best candidate win!

So as for the part of this post on designing websites, I've been working towards getting a lot more clients built up and growing my web design business. I know it's difficult sometimes to grow a business, especially when the economy is such that is has been. However, I've been working hard to grow my business and see what possibilities are out there as far as growth. If your company needs a website or you're wondering how much it would cost to get a web design done, visit Eagles Eye Design and look over some of our work.