Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Will Mike Huckabee Run in 2012?

There's a of questions about whether or not Mike Huckabee will run for president in 2012. He's definetly got a lot going for him if he decides to win and I tend to think that he's got a good a chance as any of the current crop of Republican politicians at winning the nomination.

Of course whether or not he runs is up to him. But there are some signs that he's beginning to prepare for a run. According to the Blog, Mike Huckabee President, there's definitely some signs that Huckabee is going to run. Some of the things that they sight are his remaining very active in politics (which of course is quite true).

Whether or not Huckabee runs in 2012 is not a big deal. I hope he does run and if he does of course I'll support him. If he doesn't that is his own personal decision. He'd make a great president and I think that he could definitely help this country rectify some of the major problems that are only being made worse by the current set of politicians.

Is Huckabee without faults? That's like asking if he's human. Of course he has faults; I think sometimes that people hold politicians to a higher standard than they hold most people to. In fact, I think many people hold politicians to a nearly perfect standard. But of course politicians are people just like the rest of us and no matter how elite they act, they're really just as prone to fault and failure like the rest. However, Huckabee has been an effective leader for conservative causes and if he runs a solid campaign, I think he'll win the Republican nomination and the Presidency in 2012.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why Huckabee Would Make a Good President

I've been thinking about writing a post about how Mike Huckabee might NOT be a good president. But the reasons that he might not be a good president I feel are outweighed by the reasons that he would be a good president.

The very reasons that Mike Huckabee would be a good president are the reasons that Obama has not been a very good president. Huckabee for one knows where he stands and knows what he believes. I've never heard him waffle on his core principles and values.

Huckabee is a strong believer in America. On the Medved show last night, Mike Huckabee was talking about how America is STILL the greatest place on earth to live. He's lived the American dream and he respects the American dream unlike the current president. He does not make trips around the world bashing the United States like president Obama has. Huckabee's love of country alone would be enough to make him a much better choice than President Obama.

Mike Huckabee would make a good president because he's pragmatic. He knows how to work with Democrats in a way where he can get his agenda. Mike Huckabee also believes in the values that most Americans believe in. He believes in the sanctity of life and he believes in the importance of the marriage covenant between a man and a woman.

Huckabee is a very thoughtful person. Now if you ask the liberals, they thought that Obama was a thoughtful person. Well, I have news for you, Barack Obama has NOT been a very thoughtful person when it comes to many issues facing the American people. He rams through legislation that is harmful to the future of America and then plays the victim card when people come out and hold him accountable for it.

In conclusion, there are some things that might make Huckabee not such a great president, such as his tendency to maybe compromise a little too much with the other side. But there are more reasons that Huckabee would be an excellent choice for president and he would be a much better president than Barack Obama and I dare say for that matter Sarah Palin as well.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sarah Palin Slips on North Korea, Calls Them Allies

Sarah Palin, in a recent radio interview, suggested we should "stand with our North Korean allies." To most people this may not be a huge deal and it's not really a deal killer in itself, but the problem is that it's a pattern that cannot be ignored. I think that if this was only the 2nd time she's slipped up on foreign policy concerns, it might not be a big deal at all.

The problem is that Sarah Palin repeatedly makes mistakes and "slips of the tongue" in the foreign policy arena. In my opinion, these foreign policy slip-ups do ad up to an elephant in the room when it comes to her being president and since foreign policy is the area where the president has the most at stake, voters should seriously take these mistakes and slip-ups into consideration before they cast a vote for Sarah Palin.

Of course we all know that if Sarah Palin were to get elected in 2012, she would have an grand group of advisors and policy hawks that would help her tune her message. But that's not till after the election. Until then she has to run on her own merit, and a slip of the tongue saying that North Korea are U.S. allies certainly calls Sarah Palin's foreign policy credentials into question.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Should Sarah Palin Run for President?

Should Sarah Palin run for president? Personally, I think she shouldn't. Now you may say that if she wants to run for president she should. But Sarah Palin is like several of the women that she endorsed, including Sharon Angle and Christine O'donnell. She may be a great person, and she's supported by the Tea Party movement, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she'll win. Sarah is a polarizing figure. You either love her or you hate her. I'm probably one of the few that doesn't really like her but can tolerate her.

If Sarah Palin were to run and win the GOP nomination, would I vote for her?

You betcha!

But that is not the point, just because I would vote for her, there would be a ton of people that wouldn't vote. Could she win against Barack Obama? That really depends. She thinks she can, and if the economy is really bad and she does motivate the "female vote," then she of course does have a good chance of winning. However, I really think there are some seriously better options for president than Sarah Palin in 2012. Of course from the title of this blog, you probably know who I'm talking about anyway.

What are your thoughts? I'd be interested in knowing.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mark Levin Suggests Federal Spending Amendment, Huckabee Should Embrace This

Last night I heard Mark Levin talking about government spending and how they're going to have to raise taxes in order to get their fiscal house in order. Then he suggested that there be an amendment to the constitution to cap government spending. I think this is a great idea. His suggestion is that government spending be capped at 17% of the GDP. I personally think that the government should be capped at 9.5% of the GDP as that should be plenty to run the federal government. Of course, if 17% is all we can get than that is fine too.

I hope that Gov. Huckabee will take an idea like this and make it a major position in his platform to run for president. He does sometimes seem to be a little egotistical and his idea of implementing the fairtax was certainly a novel idea and I admire him for being willing to "think different" from the run of the mill politicians, but he also needs to be really clear that he will get this crazy, out of control government roped in.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Will Mike Huckabee Run for President 2012?

In a recent interview with Alan Colmes, Alan asks Mike Huckabee if he's going to be running for president in 2012. Huckabee is very political in his answer and definitely doesn't rule it out. He also seems to be saying that he'll only run if he feels that he's got a decent chance at clinching the nomination for president in 2012.

Do you think Mike Huckabee will run for president in 2012? I think it's highly likely that he will. I would say that the chances of him running are about 95%.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Huckabee 2012: Ready, Set Go!

I think that the likelihood of a President Huckabee in 2012 has now risen a ton. In fact, if Huckabee was a stock, and you could buy it, I would say "buy, buy, buy." The reasons are simple but the simple reason is really this, there was a red Republican wave that swept into Congress on Tuesday and that wave will almost definitely sweep the Senate and the Whitehouse in 2012. There is a growing sentiment in the country that Washington needs serious change. And while most of the 2008 GOP candidates spouted out mostly similar ideas for how that change should take place, Huckabee was one of the only ones that actually took a bold stand for change.

Huckabee was the only Candidate that advocated for the Fairtax, which is a forward thinking tax that stops taxing productivity. It is supposed to be revenue neutral, which could be debatable, but it could definitely be adjusted to a point where it would help address major problems such as the deficit and high unemployment.

Probably one of the biggest obstacles Huckabee will face will be the Tea Party and Sarah Palin who have been a rising and driving force in the Republican party. He has a strong support among some of these people as well, but the question will definitely be whether or not his support is strong enough to propel him to an Iowa victory and beyond.

I think that Huckabee has a really good chance at 2012 and the next few months will give us a better idea of whether he intends to run or not.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Huckabee Puts His Money Where His Mouth Is

Huckabee say's he's supporting candidates for 2010 and indeed he does. The following article from the Politico shows that he's given nearly a third of the money that his PAC has brought in to the candidates which he has endorsed. That of course does leave his PAC with some money to pay its employees and the other bills that come in. The article also points to a potential run in 2012 as the Governor starts working in some of the primary states.

In first-in-the-nation Iowa, where Huckabee won an upset in the 2008 nominating caucuses, Huck PAC sent $2,500 donations to Sen. Chuck Grassley and gubernatorial candidate Bob Vander Plaats, the conservative activist who lost the GOP primary to former Gov. Terry Branstad. Wes Enos, a state Senate candidate and Huckabee’s former Iowa political director, also got $500.

Read more:

Of course Huckabee has never been a huge fund raiser since people like Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin seem to be able to consistently out raise him money wise. I'm not sure if that's a negative or a positive. While I have no distain for rich folks (unlike the current administration), it is indeed interesting to me that Huckabee brings in most of his cash from "smaller" donors, folks who don't necessarily have a lot to give but give what they can.

Huckabee’s committee took in $258,000 between April and the end of June, according to fundraising information obtained by POLITICO – slightly less than the $273,000 Huck PAC raised in the first three months of 2010.

Huckabee’s financial numbers put him behind several other possible 2012 candidates in the fundraising department: former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s PAC raised $866,000 over the same period. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney have not released updated fundraising information yet. but are expected to exceed Huckabee's total."

But if Huckabee isn’t leading the field in receipts, he’s still parceling out money at a rapid rate, giving $70,000 in the second quarter to candidates he endorsed. That means 27 percent of Huck PAC’s dollars ended up in the hands of politicians the former governor is supporting.

By comparison, Palin gave $87,500 out to candidates – just over 10 percent of the money she raised. In the first quarter of the year, Romney’s Free and Strong America PAC raised $1.6 million and donated $59,000.

Read more:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Conservative Political News, Conservative Web Sites, Mike Huckabee News

There's a lot of places to get conservative political news, but it seems to me that the place to get the most information and news about what's going on in the political arena is really online forums and blogs. You can get a lot of information by hitting up the Drudge Report or by going to any Andrew Breitbart's websites, but in my experience your best bet is to go to one of the many blogs or forums around the internet. Of course if you're looking for a top conservative Blog there's always Hot Air or Red State. Of course for Huckabee news, you can go over to Huck's Army, which, even though Mike Huckabee is not currently running for any political office still has quite a few people frequenting the forums and posting comments.

Do you know of any other good resources? Even your own blog or some other place that you get news that's not tainted by the spin of main stream media outlets? Post it below.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Do the Right Thing: Huckabee Points the Way

Mike Huckabee's book Do the Right Thing hasn't really gotten very many good book reviews. As the following blogger points out, it does tend to read as if Mike was the only one doing the right thing in the race for president and all the others were not. The following blogger points out some pretty interesting points in the book:

In “Do the Right Thing: Inside the Movement That’s Bringing Common Sense Back to America,” Mike Huckabee opens up aboot his life as a pizza delivery boy in Brooklyn amidst the racial turmoil of the late 1980’s. Actually, that’s not true, but Gov. Huckabee had to know what he was in for when he named his book after a Spike Lee movie. No, “Do the Right Thing…” was mainly aboot Huckabee’s 2008 campaign for president and I have to say, homeboy sure sounds bitter.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of Huckabee. He has ideas and a voice that I feel is vital to the Republican Party, and they’re ideas that it’s hard to get people to listen to. Every interview with Huckabee can be broken into two parts: Part 1 is the reporter criticizing Huckabee for talking aboot religion, Part 2 is the same reporter then asking him nothing but questions aboot religion. Mike Huckabee literally had to ask people to ask him aboot education and healthcare.

But those ideas get lost even more in what amounts to a manifesto aboot everyone he feels wronged him over the past year. While Mitt Romney is out talking aboot the auto bailout, Mike Huckabee is out there talking aboot Mitt Romney…and seemingly for no other reason than to prevent him from ever becoming President. If Huck can never have it, it’s like he wants to make sure Mitt never gets it either.


I have read parts of the book, and I don't think that the fact that he may come across as being a little bitter makes the book something that should be entirely dismissed. As a book from a prominent politician it deserves attention and should be on the list of any political science major's reading list.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Presidential Candidates 2012: A Full House

As of right now the 2012 Presidential Candidate list is a fairly large field. The following list is compiled over at wikipedia as potential republican candidates, though I tend to think that some of the one's they've put on the list will not run (such as Jeb Bush, former gov. of Florida). As for Scott Brown, I think he has no intention of running for president either (though that might be something he might do, you never really know). He does have a steady calm personality which after President Obama, would be very nice. I think Jindal looks very attractive for 2016, but I wouldn't suggest he run in 2012 (though he does have quite a bit more experience that the current President).
  • Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi
  • Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts
  • Businessman and radio talk show host Herman Cain of Georgia
  • Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey
  • Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana
  • Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich of Georgia
  • Former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas
  • Former Governor Gary E. Johnson of New Mexico
  • Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana
  • Former Governor and 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin of Alaska
  • Representative Ron Paul of Texas
  • Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota
  • General David Petraeus of New York
  • Former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts
  • Former Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives Marco Rubio of Florida
  • Former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania
  • Senator John Thune of South Dakota
My favorite on this list of course is Gov. Huckabee (what where you expecting me to say, afterall this is President Huckabee 2012 blog right?). But of course there are a lot of candidates here that I would be perfectly happy with. I do know that right now the focus of conservatives needs to be picking up seats in congress and really 2012 is a long shot away. A bazillion things can happen between now and then that could make it very difficult for someone to take out the current administration. That fact however is no excuse for us to not be seriously thinking about who will run and how they can be best served in the election. I'm sure if your name is on this list, then you're seriously thinking about whether you should try to run or not.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Fat Mike Huckabee: Will He Run Again?

Mike Huckabee has been a really big guy in the past. He has often told the story of how he lost weight in order to regain his health. However, there's been rumors circulating around the internet that Huckabee has become fat again. I don't know how true these rumors are, since he seems to be staying in pretty good shape on his show. Of course the idea is that a fat politician can run and succeed at getting in political office. But of course don't tell that to Chris Christy who is really a big guy but beat the incombent governor last year in New Jersey. Perhaps of course the real facts are that a governor who promises to trim the fat out of government is more in demand right now than a politician who is skinny and healthy.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Huckabee Report: Quotable Huckabee Quotes

Mike Huckabee's been doing his Radio program, the Huckabee Report, for a while now (he started it not too long after he started the Huckabee show on Fox News). While browsing online and doing a little research I came across these quotes from the TV show that I thought would be worth sharing:

A Rasmussen poll finds that "Congress member" has sunk four places below "lawyer" and is now the least favorably regarded profession. And if you're a Congress member who's also a lawyer, well…I don't think the chart goes that low.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that Obamacare will be Congress' "Christmas present to the American people." Usually, Christmas is when you spend too much of your own money on something for your grandchildren, not the other way around.

Tom Delay did better than expected on "Dancing With The Stars," but he quit the show because of stress fractures in both feet. That's one thing politics does teach you: when to leave before you get voted out.

Read the story here.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Vote Pro Life! Respect the Sanctity of Life!

Of course I'm not a one-issue voter, but when it comes down to choosing a candidate to vote for, I say to vote for the pro-life candidate. For instance, if you have the choice between two relatively good candidates who are both conservative on most issues,a good way to make your final choice is to look at the voting records of the two candidates and see who seems to favor the pro-life position in their voting. For instance, when the vote came down between Mitt Romney and John McCain, it was easy to see who had the stronger pro-life position though they may have not been the most conservative on some of the other issues. The pro-life issue is one that will ultimately show what a politician is made of since there is huge amounts of pressure on both sides of the issue and a conservative with real, solid convictions will come down on the side of life every time.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Year Two of Obama, Still No Jobs... Even in the Web Design field

Seems like the Obama stimulus is really working well (sarcasm). There's still not very many jobs even in some of the growing technical fields out there like web design and graphic design. The following article from shows how there really are very few jobs available in the market today.

After losing her graphic design job, she went back to school to get retrained as a Web designer.

Nine months later, she’s still looking for work.

“It’s very hard out there to find a job. There’s nothing there,” said Tolliver, 34, of Austell. “I keep applying and, hopefully, something will come through. Maybe people will start hiring.”

With unemployment still high — metro Atlanta’s rate shot up last week to 10.3 percent — questions abound as to whether worker retraining really works.

While Washington has pumped $10 billion in grants into retraining programs nationwide the last two years, critics say much more is needed to deal with the unprecedented surge in the long-term unemployed. Georgia’s public technical colleges, along with for-profit ones that have proliferated during the recession, report huge increases in enrollment, yet many struggle to prepare students for so-called “jobs of the future.”

Federal retraining dollars helped 19,050 Georgians go back to school in 2009. About 69 percent of those students got jobs within three months of graduation, according to the state Department of Labor.

As a web designer myself, I can assure you that this woman is not alone. Though Craigslist seems to be filled with jobs for web designers, it's not easy to get a job in this field, even though some are very well paid. Of course, the problem for a beginner often is breaking into a field that has stiff competition and in which clients can be extremely picky about what they want in a designer.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Still Like Mike, Been Busy Designing Websites

This year has been a busy year. I've not really had much time to update this blog or think about politics. For one thing changes in family life and everything that goes along with a growing family make it difficult to think about what's happening all the time in the country. Also the rise of the "tea party" has made the future of the GOP very questionable. Will we have a three party system before all this is said and done? To be honest, I don't think a two party system is the best answer to the protection of the constitution since the constitution of the United States of America, as to me I think it would result in the liberal party being constantly in Power. I think it's not unlikely that Mike Huckabee will run for president in 2012. If he runs, the recent polls certainly seem to make it look like he's got some pretty good things going for him. I wish him the best and of course may the best candidate win!

So as for the part of this post on designing websites, I've been working towards getting a lot more clients built up and growing my web design business. I know it's difficult sometimes to grow a business, especially when the economy is such that is has been. However, I've been working hard to grow my business and see what possibilities are out there as far as growth. If your company needs a website or you're wondering how much it would cost to get a web design done, visit Eagles Eye Design and look over some of our work.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Why Huckabee is Best for 2012

Huckabee is the best choice for 2012. Though there are a few others that I'd like to see run and who I might consider voting for (Mitch Daniels would be one of those), Huckabee is the best. Huckabee may not be the most conservative out of the bunch but after the current Administration has pulled to the far left, we don't need an extreme conservative to jerk us back in the opposite direction. We see an ideal being a strong conservative, but for someone who is mostly conservative like Huckabee who would be able to pull us back from the far left brink and get us on track towards a conservative goal.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why is Obamacare Unconstitutional

Obamacare is unconstitutional because the constitution is, as Obama has said, an arbitrator of negative rights. It tells us what the government CANNOT do to us and recognizes that rights are given by God, not the government. As citizens of the United States of America, we have certain unalianable rights. However, the government that is supposed to be for the people, by the people is working hard to destroy the rights of the people. When Obama took the oath to protect the constitution, he really didn't mean a word of what he said. He took the oath only because it was the only way he could execute the office of president, but his words mean absolutely nothing. When he signed the bill that will could be the end of freedom in the western hemisphere, he was making history but not history as he would like to make us think. He was making a horrible choice that will mark his presidency as the worst presidency ever.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Obamacare is Completely Unconstitutional

More on this will be coming later, but the Obamacare bill that just passed the house is extremely unconstitutional. Courts seriously need to come to the rescue of freedom and the constitution and DEMOLISH this HORRIBLE piece of legislation. This is the worst thing that has ever passed in our country and is morally wrong. It is wrong to require people to buy health insurance (which in itself is a scam). It is an infringement on freedom and the destruction of the republic as we know it.